
Routine appointments

Routine appointment requests should be made via Patchs which you can access here:

Simply answer a few questions regarding your health concern or query and one of our team could get back to you in as little as 4 hours if you submit your form between 08:00 and 12:00. Any form submitted outside of these times will receive a response no later than 18:30 the following working day.

Have you been asked by one of our clinical team to let us know how you’re getting on following a previous consultation, or maybe you’re due an annual review at the Practice? If so, then please complete an online ‘PATCHS’ consultation request and start your conversation with the Practice today.

Telephone Consultations

If you do not need a face-to-face consultation, you can request a telephone consultation with a GP by completing an online ‘PATCHS’ consultation form.

Urgent Appointments

On the day appointment requests are also made via Patchs which you can access here:

Simply answer a few questions regarding your health concern or query and one of our team could get back to you in as little as 4 hours if you submit your form between 08:00 and 12:00.


We are committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times and the safety of everyone is of paramount importance.

All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure where they consider one is required. The chaperone may be a family member or friend, but on occasions a formal chaperone may be preferred.

Patients are advised to ask for a chaperone if required, at the time of booking an appointment, if possible, so that arrangements can be made and the appointment is not delayed in any way. The Healthcare Professional may also require a chaperone to be present for certain consultations.

All trained chaperones understand their role and responsibilities and are competent to perform that role.

If you feel you would like a chaperone present at your consultation please inform your Doctor/Nurse/Patient Coordinator, who will be more than happy to arrange this for you.

Cancelling your appointment

If you have an appointment which you cannot attend, please let us know as soon as you can so we can offer this so somebody else.

Consult with a Doctor online

You can also consult a Doctor online using Patchs, this is the quickest and easiest way for you to get help from a GP.

Patchs will ask you an average of 4 questions, there is no need to queue on the phone, if the Doctor or Nurse decides they need to see you they will contact you ASAP.

Extended Access

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a key part of the NHS Long term plan, with all general practices being required to be in a network by June 2019.

The networks have expanded neighbourhood teams which comprise of a range of staff such as GPs, pharmacists, physician associates, advanced nurse practitioners, joined by social care and the voluntary sector.

  • Heswall and Pensby Group Practice are members of Healthier West Wirral Primary Care Network, along with
  • Commonfield Surgery
  • Upton Group Practice
  • Greasby group Practice
  • Marine Lake Practice
  • West Wirral Group Practice

This allows us to offer extended access appointments. These appointments will fall outside of normal opening hours and may be at any of the six practices within our PCN.

Home Visits

It is best for the clinician to see you in the surgery, where they have full access to all equipment and your medical notes.

Home visits are only available for patients who are bedbound because of illness or disability.

Please phone 0151 342 2811 before 10am if possible to request a home visit. Please try to give as much information as possible so that the doctor can evaluate the urgency of each call.

A doctor or GP assistant may phone you back as it may be that your problem can be dealt with by telephone advice, or that it would be more appropriate to send a nurse, or indeed arrange a hospital attendance.

We understand that some patients may find it difficult to attend the surgery and to assist we do have a wheelchair available at reception. Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the Health Centre.

At the current time some home visits may be done by clinicians from the Acute & Frailty Response Team  who are members of our primary care trust (Healthier West Wirral).

What to ask your doctor?

What to ask your doctor or other healthcare professional – NHS (